Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic is commonly used in food grade bottles, mouldings and sheeting and fetches a high premium on the recovered plastic market. PET scrap buyers offer businesses generous rebates of £180-£220 per tonne, so it is worth taking some time to choose a company that... Continue reading PET Scrap Buyers – How To Choose The Right Company →
More...Even for fairly small businesses plastic waste management can be a challenge. We all have a responsibility to recycle as much plastic as we can – true, but it also makes financial sense to recover as much value from our waste as possible. This entails getting the best rebate prices and minimising... Continue reading Improve Your Plastic Waste Management With These 7 Top Tips →
More...It isn’t always easy for large businesses to recycle their plastic waste. Unlike individuals, many businesses don’t have the luxury of free plastic collections each week. There is big financial pressure to dispose of plastic waste in the most economically beneficial way. This means recycling where... Continue reading 3 Industrial Plastic Recycling Benefits →
More...There are dozens of companies in the UK prepared to take your plastic waste and give you some sort of rebate for it, but it pays to seek out an ethical plastic scrap buyer with a clear recycling policy and chain of accountability. These benefits are financial, environmental and reputational. Here... Continue reading Why Sell Your Plastic Waste To An Ethical Plastic Scrap Buyer? →
More...Even for fairly small businesses plastic waste management can be a challenge. We all have a responsibility to recycle as much plastic as we can – true, but it also makes financial sense to recover as much value from our waste as possible. This entails getting the best rebate prices and minimising... Continue reading Improve Your Plastic Waste Management With These 7 Top Tips →
More...There are clear economic incentives for businesses to recycle plastic scrap. A brief survey of 2018 prices for recovered plastics show a buoyant market with growing demand from manufacturers. Ordinary businesses can benefit by simply selling unused and unwanted scrap to Plastic Recycling Companies.... Continue reading Current Plastic Recycling Prices →
More...Choosing an ethical waste management solution for your business takes a considerable amount of planning and implementation. If you choose to recycle your waste, you have two main options; to pay for waste collections, or to source a company that collects and recycles your plastics and pays you a... Continue reading How To Know When To Change Your Plastic Waste Recycling Company →
More...Waste plastic is valuable. As more businesses discover the benefits of selling their waste plastics for scrap, the number of companies offering collection and recycling services is also rising. While it is extremely positive that we are now recycling and reusing more plastic than ever, the rates... Continue reading 5 Tips To Help You Get The Right Price For Your Plastic Recycling →
More...Every business generates waste that needs disposing of. Choosing a practical and cost-effective waste management solution is essential for maintaining a safe and tidy workplace and meeting legislation. Waste management covers the collection, transportation and disposal of waste materials, whether... Continue reading Recycling – A Practical & Ethical Plastic Waste Management Solution →
More...Thousands of businesses use third parties to dispose of recyclable plastic waste. These fall into the two broad categories of recycling companies and plastic recycling brokers. In this article we discuss the differences between the two types of business and why it matters. Continue reading Plastic Recycling Brokers Vs Recycling Companies →